Get Involved

We would love to help you get more involved with LMSA.  Between our ever-expanding projects and annual events, we are quite certain that we have a place for you to help make a difference! From participating in the World’s smallest parade to pulling weeds, and so much more in between, we have volunteer opportunities to suit almost everybody. Already know you want to volunteer with us, click here to fill out a short application. If you are not sure where your talents might be best used, just take a look at our committees below, give us a call at 360-499-6789, or email us via our Contact form.

The Langley Main Street Association is dedicated to creating a spirited, inviting downtown. Be part of this great group of people or share a talent, join a committee, or become a board member.

Most projects are shaped in our committees:

  • ECON meets the first Thursday of each month at 5:15 p.m., led by chairperson Lisa Morgenroth. Call or email for location details.
  • DESIGN meets the first Tuesday of each month at 5:00 p.m. at the LMSA office at 195 2nd Street, led by chairperson Victoria Locke.
  • ORG meets the monthly, led by chairperson Janet Ploof. Call or email for time and location details.
  • PROMO meets the second Monday of each month at 5:00 p.m. at LMSA office, led by chairperson Donna Christensen.
  • BOARD meets the second Wednesday of each month at 4:30 p.m. at the LMSA office, led by president Tim Callison.