Mystic Sea Charters – A whale of a time!

By Grace Swanson
They come, they eat, then they leave.
Every spring, the Puget Sound is a pit stop for 15-20 gray whales who are journeying from Mexico to Alaska, one of the longest migrations of any mammal. They spend a few months in this area snacking on sand shrimp.
Spotting these elusive 45 foot creatures can be difficult unless you are with someone that posses the means and knowledge to locate them.
This is where the Mystic Sea Charter comes in.
This 100 foot whale watching and wildlife cruise, located in the Langley Marina, explores the splendors of the ocean. See marine life up close like you never have before.
With 25 years of experience, Capt. Monte Hughes is an expert at predicting where to find the whales. During the sailing, Hughes and other members of the crew provide extensive knowledge and tidbits about whales, wildlife, and the area.
Feel the excitement as you spot your first whale. Gray whales are identified by markings on their flukes (tails) and dorsal knuckles.
Immerse yourself in nature and find your inner peace. This cruise gives nature photogs a chance to capture some of the Northwest’s most beautiful treasures. Stunning views of deep blue mountains capped with glistening white snow and other local wildlife provide endless inspiration.
Mingle with other whale enthusiasts who hail from every corner of the globe.
Further your appreciation for the magnificence of the Pacific Northwest. This is not an opportunity to be missed. For more information please visit:
“To have a huge, friendly whale willingly approach your boat and look you straight in the eye is without doubt one of the most extraordinary experiences on the planet.”
-Zoologist Mark Cowardine